Day Two's Belated Update
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 06:21:11 AM
Hi everyone,
I’ve had a full 2 ½ hours of sleep last night, so I can address you with a clear and rested head. Since I’m still thanking individuals for their help with my campaign, let me once again extend my gratitude to you for backing this project. Being funded doesn’t just mean a number of preordered products; it’s the cornerstone in my publishing company, whenitsready. To illustrate what this means to me, let me belabor another Blizzard reference: The answer Mike Morhaime gave to me, when I asked him, “How can Blizzard do things that other studios can’t?” He replied simply, “It’s because we publish our own games.”
“Owning your work” was the Mike’s formula for success. He explained Blizzard was agile enough to terminate its mistakes and double-down on promising leads. Self-publishers can organically iterate, polish, and augment their material without being weighed down by trending fads, unrealistic budgets, or contrived schedules. Owning your own projects is also uplifting. When you have skin in the game, you fight harder for success.
Ownership is Blizzard's foundation. That is what you’ve given me.
I’ve an interview with Wowcrendor now. After that, I’ll move my computer back into my place (I have internet again!) and that involves minor drilling and pulling wires. I hope to get some sleep. Tomorrow I’ve a 10 AM interview with LeystTV. After that, I’ll be able to focus on addressing specific questions or concerns.